Summer Smile Scope

Summer is a Carnival for our senses!

Summer brings a wide array of sounds. In contrast, Winter is very quiet. The snow falls silently but precipitation in summer is very different! You have volumes of water, speed of the droplets falling and then rushing together, thunder, lightning, wind and hail. Water is a powerful element. For many it refreshes the spirit. Be sure to follow your intuition and go by the water as it comes to mind. Summer brings bugs. 🙂 Buzz of the bees, whine of mosquitoes, silent beauty of butterflies, flash of light from lightning bugs and the drone of cicadas.

iStock_000005926130XSmallWith this symphony of sounds, Summer reminds us to listen. It is time to notice small things and find beauty in all that surrounds you. Pay attention to color and which colors you are drawn to each day. Colors have the ability to aid you in making each day a good one. Take time to truly see the world around you. No excuses. Yes, you do have time.
We also have to pay attention to light. In Summer we have an abundance of sunlight! Enjoy it. Watch it turn golden as the Summer ages into August. Allow all that golden sunshine to absorb into you like golden honey to sweeten your heart, spirit and mind.

Summer brings us food! Very colorful food! Enjoy the variety and eat the rainbow! Many of us take the opportunity to grow our own food. This brings us closer to the earth and reminds us that there is more to life than work, bills, relationships (good or bad). We are connected to everything around us and we can feel that when we are out in the garden. We feel connected to others as we share food at fairs, BBQ’s and lake-side parties.

We can’t forget about our sense of smell! Summer brings the special scent of after a thunderstorm, the scent of berries, of tomatoes, basil and other herbs, flowers, lake or beach scents and even the scent of a blue sky sunny day.
Take time to allow your senses to party this Summer! Our senses will lead us when we sometime times do not know how to stop and get out of our daily routine.

Take time to breathe today. Take time to see something beautiful today. Take time to smell something good today. And last but not least, take time to SMILE today!

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