October Smilescope

Smile Scopes are a way for many of us to connect with our inner spirit and be reminded of joy! This connection can be made with descriptions, animals, numbers, crystals, etc. Each person can develop his or her own comfortable connection by exploring the things that make them smile.

Smile Scope for October:
Choice. October reminds us that we have choices! Look at all the beautiful colors that come with this time of year. They cover the rainbow, everything in between and beyond. These colors remind us that we have choices. You do not need to stay in that “stuck” feeling. Borrowing another’s perspective may allow you to see that although the path directly in front of you is a solid wall, to your right is a window and to your left is a door. You couldn’t see these things before because your chosen perspective was too narrow; you were too close to the wall.

Look at Mouse. Mouse offers us attention to detail but when that is taken to an unhealthy extreme it can make a mess! For example, ignoring all other tasks because you are too focused on the task in front of you. This often manifests in eating habits. We often eat well when we are balanced but as soon as things get busy our diet suffers and so can our sleep.

Be in balance, borrow Mouse medicine when you need attention to detail and then ask Hawk to balance that out by pulling your perspective back and up into the sky, where you can see your path more clearly.

Are you making healthy choices today? They don’t need to be huge and grand. They only need to be the right thing for you at that moment. How do you tell? They make you smile! At the store, did you see the flowers and think, “Oh, they are beautiful!” and then pass them by!!! Take every opportunity to keep beauty and joy around you!

Choose to make yourself a priority today! Choose healthy things that can bring a smile to your face. Use all of your senses! Ask, “Do the things I see, smell, feel, taste, hear and sense around me make me smile or feel good?” If not begin to change. Set yourself up for success and do one good thing just for you!

Don’t get stuck in your own thinking! The path from point A to point B may be very different than what you may have planned but you will still get to your destination!

Take time to breathe today. Take time to see something beautiful today. Take time to smell something good today. And last but not least, take time to SMILE today!

Meghan S. Singh
Spiritual Intuitive, Reiki Master

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